Signs of Cats Worms
Signs of Worms in your Cat
Like most mammals, your cat’s intestinal tract is host to many different kinds of tiny biological critters. Most are harmless but the ones that instinctively give people the shudders are worms.
These parasitic pests can enter your cat’s body in numerous ways; some kittens are even born carrying worms! If you want to know how to prevent and treat worm infestations in your pet, then you should learn the follows signs.
Signs of Feline Worms
Loss of Appetite: In advanced stages, worms can cause considerable pain and discomfort that makes eating difficult or stressful for your pet. Also over time worms can cause damage to the digestive tract.
Dull coat: Worms compete for nourishment with the host animal and a sign of this may be a lackluster coat.
Potbelly: Especially with roundworms, a cat or kitten can develop a distended or potbelly appearance.
Weight Loss: A cat with worms will have a sudden drop in weight. Although weight loss is one of the signs of worms, it can also be indicative of other problems such as diabetes or heart problems. So weight loss must to taken in combination with other symptoms. Please visit your vet for a profesional diagnosis.
Stunted growth: This is seen in kittens and young cats. But older cats may be slow to heal or recover from illnesses.
Listless or Lethargic: Your normally happy-to-see-you cat, who greets you at door, now seems not to care anymore. Worms often cause anemia and poor nutrition in infected cats that make it difficult for them to maintain their natural energy levels. To check for anemia, look for pale pink gums in your pet.
Diarrhea or vomiting: All types of worms can cause intestinal distress that can lead to loose and watery stools or vomiting.
Constant licking around the anal area: Worms are very irritating and your cat can be seen frequently licking or grooming around their anal areas. Look for bits of something that looks like “dried rice or sesame seed” (dead tapeworm segments) sticking to your animal’s fur.
If your cat is experiencing any noticeable pain or discomfort, you should take them to your vet immediately because some worm infestations can become life threatening.